Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Splake Hunters 2010

Doctor O, Laker Larry, Brent Giant, Tight Line, Fast Eddie, Stinger and Wrong Way. Missing this year was Black Bean, Dunk-a-Lew, Lunch Box and Spear the later three due to a scheduling mishap and Black Bean was on baby watch. Thank you all for another memorable adventure into the wild.

Sunset over North River Lake

The day closes on another adventure for the Splake Hunters.


After years of trying, Tight Line under the expert guidance of the Brent Giant, landed the trophy Trout. Congratulations Tight Line!

Second place winner

Laker Larry fished hard and managed to capture the second place prize. Congratulations Laker Larry!

Third place winner

Fast Eddie managed to snag the third place prize. Congratulations Fast Eddie!

Fourth Place Winner

Stinger captures the fourth place (most fish caught) prize again this year. Congratulations Stinger!

Nets are too small

One last try

With the fish finder marking only depth and no fish, it looked like the Brent Giant was not going to land a Trout this year. What's that, he has a paddle and not a fishing rod in his hand?!? ... that's probably because he was driving Miss Daisy all over the lake. There were times that I wanted to tell Cleopatra that this isn't the Nile so grab a paddle once in a while!

Calm, Cool and Collected

Tight Line's spies have entered Laker Larry's camp and reported back that the trophy fish belongs to Tight Line this year. Seen here just before the announcement, could he be more smug?


Expertly prepared by Laker Larry, these Trout were very tasty.

Like cold black coffee

Wrong Way glides over the smooth dark surface as thousands of Trout passively look on from the inky depths.

Baked Apple

Core out the apple, pour in cinnamon, raisins and sprinkle with olive oil or use butter... wrap in tin foil leaving a handle on the top and bake in fire until soft. Caution filling is hot and delicious.

When the Trout turned on...

It was only for an hour or so, but the Trout did bite for Laker Larry.

Camp lesson #5

Peeing in the woods is acceptable, but NOT in the middle of the camp. Stinger was not impressed.

Now that's a hat son!

Fast Eddie reacts to seeing Laker Larry's lucky hat.

Another victim

Wrong Way's food strikes again. Stinger didn't know what hit him!

You never know

Wrong Way has a unique style in the kitchen often resulting in unusual results. My advice... eat with you eyes wide open.

Widow Maker

This broken tree was hanging over Wrong Ways tent. The tree creaked loudly during the wind storm, but not as loudly as Wrong Way's snoring.

Like Glass

We camped on South Bay off of North River Lake. After the wind storm on Friday we had a dead calm descend upon us. Beaver, Loons, Wolves, a Hoot Owl and a Heron kept us company. Laker Larry even saw a Mink.

Nice try

Wrong Way offers Tight Line some booze in an attempt to knock out his competition.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What the...?

Laker Larry fished hard but, alas... even his lucky hat couldn't help him this time.

Trophy Catch

Caught early on in the competition... this Laker landed by Tight Line was proven to be the winner.

New year... new tactics

Just in case the trout net was too small to land the Lakers we were angling for... Tight Line had a back up plan.

Game face

Tight Line came to win the trophy. With his game face on, not even Laker Larry could stop him this year.

It started with a cold front...

Sadly, the trout shut down because of the cold front. Yes, once again we were frozen to the ground in the morning but, warmer weather was on it's way - the day we were leaving!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Laker Larry stalks a moose calf

The video ends with Laker Larry being pulled out of his car and being chased back down the road - screaming like a little girl.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Secret weapon

I'm sorry to tell you that silver lures no longer are the in thing for trout. The latest thing from all the experts (and I think I have to agree) are 2 or 3 inch (maybe 4 inch for the big ones) white tube jigs (particularly the ones with the red spots). (See the articles in Ontario Out of Doors.)

What you do is take a 5 or 10 ml syringe without the needle and inject peanut butter into the hollow space in the tube. As you troll the scent of the peanut butter leaks out and the fish will follow it for hundreds of yards until they catch up and smash it!

There is some talk in the MNR about banning them!
- Laker Larry

Black Bean's request...

If Larry's wearing a bikini I'm not going! - Black Bean

Launch day negotiations begin

Yes clearly this is the case of Dave as the self appointed dictator. One question: why do we accept it???... It's time to revolt. Welcome to the revolution! - Tightline

I’ll get the pitch-forks and torches. We march on Wrong Way castle at midnight and rid our village of this monster once and for all! - Brent Giant